5G infrastructure still demands subtlety, care and common sense [telecom]
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The Telecom Digest
2023-04-12 13:27:46 UTC
By Mike Dano

It's been almost six years since 5G technology arrived in the US, and
the radios necessary to broadcast the technology remain a hot-button

The latest "not in my back yard" (NIMBY) dustup started last month in
Wyandotte, Michigan when, according to local news reports, T-Mobile
obtained the rights to install 5G antennas atop the smokestack of
Washington Elementary, near the school's playground.

Why a school has a smokestack, I don't know.

2023-04-16 01:07:17 UTC
Post by The Telecom Digest
By Mike Dano
[Moderator snip]
Post by The Telecom Digest
*Why a school has a smokestack, I don't know*.
Per https://washington.wyandotte.org/about-us the school was built in
1930, when heating was by coal-fired furnace.


* Moderator's Note
* The Google Maps link shown above has a picture of the "smokestack
* in quetion, and it's a great place to start a meaningful debate
* over the part that language plays in reporting.
* Oxford defines a "Smokestack" as ...
* "a chimney or funnel for discharging smoke from a locomotive, ship,
* factory, etc. and helping to induce a draft."
* ... but the TV station which reported on the opposition to the 5G
* antennas chose "Smokestack" instead of "Chimney," most likely to
* cater to their customers - the cellular carriers who buy all that
* advertising while they try to eliminate their pesky unionized
* workforces and change all our phone connections and Internet connec-
* tions over to radio systems that will never require them to pay the
* technicians anything approaching a living wage, and in the bargain,
* break the ricebowls of the oh-so-irritating cable TV companies that
* don't have to pay for apiaries of overpaid apparatchiks.
* After all, "Smokestacks" are high above the ground, far away from
* all those young minds and their all-too-uppity parents whom don't
* want their children turned into advertising automatons programmed
* to pester their elders for that oh-so-shiny-thing that they saw on
* their plasitc fantastic lover while they were learning how to be
* obedient, complient, predictable consumers - instead of taking time
* to play.
* Bill Horne
* Copyright © 2023 E. William HOrne. All Rights Reserved.